Gas burner with fire, blue flame. Propane

Désirée Galicher

Career Strategist & Mentor

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Understanding oneself is crucial for ​personal growth and fulfillment. ​This involves introspection and ​honest self-assessment.

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Find your

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What you




What you


good at


What the





What you

can be paid for

Ikigai, translated from Japanese means “Reason for Being”. ​When was the last time you evaluated yours?

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Désirée !

Hi, I’m

Thanks for visiting and checking out what I’m all about!

I've always been a big-hearted person, driven by positivity and a deep desire to connect ​with others. My career initially led me through the realms of technology and human ​resources, where I honed my skills in people management—a role that resonated deeply ​with my passion for helping others thrive. I’ve been riding the wave now for many decades ​and have a wealth of knowledge to share with you!

I am bilingual English-French and wear my Swiss-Canadian - -------- - nationalities with ​pride! I have a background in Computer Science from (YorkU), a professional HR ​certification from Wharton Business School (UofPenn) and am a certified Ikigai coach.

As I love Psychology and Organizational Behavior I am kicking around the idea of going ​back to school, as Yoda would phrase it “ A life-long learner, I am”.

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What can I help you with?


Overcoming Challenges

Creating a vision

Setting Goals and Action Plans

Continuous Reflection

Learning from your past to move forward

Ride the wave...

What will you get?

Be able to find your Ikigai

Be more self-aware

A feeling of fulfillment

An increased motivation

Be able to make better decisions

A feeling of well-being

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Born in 1972 in the British colony of Guyana in South America, I immigrated with my family ​back in 1975 to Canada in search of a better life.

Identified as an advanced student early on, I entered a government program for STEM ​students winning many awards of achievement and gained the status of Canadian ​Scholar. I went on to my university education in Computer Science, technology has ​always been my passion and will remain so! I am a geek at heart and have no intention of ​changing!

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

— Oscar Wilde

Since then, I have immigrated a second time to Switzerland in 1995 after marrying a Swiss ​national and spending now the majority of my life amongst the Swiss people. Being ​married a second time to a French national has blessed me with 3 children, 2 daughters ​and a son. Being a mom to this complex family has been an enriching experience and ​meant that my coaching skills have been put to the test every day!!

I have worked in corporate environments for a many decades and have been given many ​opportunities to learn and shine through many people who believed in me and encouraged ​me to advance in my career path I set for myself many years ago.

Years later, after being an IT Director for many years, and that was no small undertaking ​being a female leader in a male dominated realm, I was challenged to take the role of Chief ​HR Officer and during the pandemic to put the cherry on the cake! This was a building ​and growth moment for the company I was working for and I was able to shine ​architecting the evolution of their HR department. What I did in 2 years was accelerated ​and I felt I accumulated a decade of knowledge squeezed into such a short time. This ​combined with my Wharton Business School CHRO studies have equipped me with very ​advanced people management and strategy skills that I want to share with the world!

I’ve since moved on to other roles practicing my technical and people skills bringing ​innovation to every team I’ve worked with. Excellence is key to my existence.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then,

is not an act, but a habit."

— Aristotle

I am now completing my Ikigai Coach training and looking forward to sharing this ​framework to help others to progress and evolve within their destined journeys.

We sometimes get lost in our paths and I would like to help you to bring clarity to yours by ​self-reflection, building actionable plans and setting goals getting you one step closer to ​your desired destination!

Let’s talk!

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My core values define and guide my every action.

Integrity ensures that I always stand by my ​principles and maintain the highest ethical ​standards.

Empathy allows me to understand and connect ​with others, fostering a supportive and inclusive ​environment.

Excellence drives me to continually improve, ​innovate, and strive for the highest quality in all ​that I do.

Together, these values create a foundation that ​not only propels me forward but also inspires ​those around me. They are the bedrock upon which ​I build trust, nurture relationships, and achieve ​remarkable success. Whether in my interactions ​with clients, colleagues, or the community, I am ​committed to living these values every day, making ​a positive impact and leaving a lasting legacy.




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How can I ---------------you!

Feeling stuck in a boring environment?

Feeling Stuck in your Career? Let’s find your true path!

You're ambitious but uncertain about your career direction. You’re asking, "What’s next?" or ​"Am I in the right place?"

Imagine confidently leading a high-performance team that trusts you and exceeds ​expectations. With my guidance in leadership development, you’ll learn practical strategies to ​empower your team, foster a culture of high performance, and lead with empathy and ​strength. Together, we’ll unlock your full leadership potential!

Woman Wearing Blue Shawl Lapel Suit Jacket

Facing High-Stakes Decisions? Build Confidence to Make an Impact!

You’re at a crossroads, facing tough decisions that could define your career. But self-doubt ​holds you back.

I’ll coach you on strategic decision-making, helping you build the confidence to make ​impactful choices aligned with your values and goals. Together, we’ll turn uncertainty into ​clear, confident action.

Struggling to Lead Effectively? Transform Into an Inspiring Leader!

They look up to her as an inspiring leader

You find yourself feeling overwhelmed, unsure how to lead your team effectively. You want to ​inspire, but you're unsure how to balance empathy with authority.

Imagine confidently leading a high-performance team that trusts you and exceeds ​expectations. With my guidance in leadership development, you’ll learn practical strategies to ​empower your team, foster a culture of high performance, and lead with empathy and ​strength. Together, we’ll unlock your full leadership potential!

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Ideas are the catalyst to success

Struggling to Innovate? Become a Catalyst for Change!

You have great ideas, but resistance and lack of support keep them from taking off. You want ​to drive innovation but feel stuck.

I’ll empower you to foster a culture of innovation and trust. Learn to navigate resistance, ​champion new ideas, and become a catalyst for meaningful change within your team or ​organization.

Motivational Speaker with Microphone Performing on Stage, Back View

Struggling to Present with Confidence? Become a Compelling Speaker!

You feel nervous and unsure when speaking in front of an audience. You want to convey your ​ideas powerfully, but anxiety holds you back.

Imagine standing in front of an audience with a calm mind, clear voice, and a powerful ​presence. With my coaching on public speaking, you’ll learn proven techniques to manage ​anxiety, craft compelling messages, and deliver them with confidence and clarity. Together, ​we’ll turn your fear into a strength!

Woman Stands on Mountain over Field Under Cloudy Sky at Sunrise

Balancing Career Growth with Well-Being? Achieve Success Without ​Sacrifice!

Your ambition is driving you forward, but the stress is starting to take a toll on your well-being.

Imagine a career where success and well-being coexist. I’ll show you how to achieve ​professional growth without sacrificing your personal life, leveraging empathy and strategic ​planning to maintain balance and fulfillment.

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Ways of


Orientation in the city

Unleashing the superhero within you ​by defining what motivates and ​passions you.


Career development concept

Crafting your Career Roadmap and ​leveling up your professional game to ​move forward


Performance Management

Elevating your skills for improved ​performance and smashing that ​annual review.


Self-Assessment &


Gain a deeper understanding of yourself by ​identifying your personal strengths, ​weaknesses, skills, values, interests, and ​personality traits. Through the use of ​assessments, thoughtful exchanges, and ​reflective exercises, we help you uncover the ​key aspects that define your professional ​identity.

Development Skill

Skills Development & Enhancement

Unlock your full potential by honing both your ​hard and soft skills. Whether you need to ​master technical abilities specific to your job ​or develop crucial soft skills like ​communication, leadership, and problem-​solving, our expert guidance will help you excel ​in your professional role.

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Career Planning &


Design your path to success with a ​personalized, strategic career plan. We help ​you outline clear steps to achieve your career ​goals, including setting milestones and ​timelines, ensuring you have a structured ​roadmap to follow.


Ways of

Two People Interview Meeting In Office


Group of People Talking

Small groups

Woman Explaining the Plan to Office Team


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See you soon —

I’ll be waiting for you.

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